Keynote Talks and Workshops

Empowering Change through Innovation: Bridging Organizational Practices and Learning Paradigms.

In an era where the traditional boundaries in professional sectors are increasingly merging, my discussions aim to catalyze a transformative shift in how businesses and community organizations approach learning and development. I focus on the intersection of innovation in business practices and community-centered learning development. This approach underscores how businesses can stay agile and forward-thinking in changing landscapes. I delve into strategies for fostering a learning culture that not only supports organizational goals but also contributes to building resilient, educated communities, prepared to navigate and thrive in the digital age. The goal is to harmonize organizational growth and community development through creativity and innovation, ensuring both are equipped to meet the evolving challenges and opportunities of our times.

2022 - 2023

EdTech World Forum

London, England

Bridging the Skills Gap Through Technology - This keynote addresses the critical issue of the growing skills gap in the modern workforce. My talk focused on how we can leverage the power of technology to bridge the ever-widening divide between education and practical application. I delved into innovative strategies and technological solutions that can align educational outcomes with the evolving demands of the workplace. My presentation highlighted the necessity of adaptive learning platforms, real-world problem-solving approaches, and how educators and businesses can collaboratively foster a workforce equipped for the challenges of the 21st century. The session provoked thoughtful discussions and offered actionable insights into reshaping education for a digitally driven world.


COBIS Conference

London, England

Mentoring for Innovation and Impact - This session, designed specifically for mentors, focuses on the transformative role of project-based learning (PBL) in shaping the pedagogical methods of early-career educators. The workshop unveils an array of innovative strategies and insights aimed at empowering mentors to instill innovation and creativity in new teachers.

Participants engage in a dynamic, interactive exploration of how to facilitate engaging, learner-centered educational experiences that transcend traditional teaching methods. They actively participate in case studies, role-play, and action planning, acquiring the skills needed to effectively guide their mentees. The goal is to prepare these educators to create enriching, impactful classroom environments that spark student engagement and drive academic success.

This workshop is more than just a learning session; it's a step towards redefining educational mentorship, ensuring that the next generation of teachers is well-equipped to foster inquisitive, innovative, and thoughtful learners.


International Leaders Conference

Virtual & Lagos, Nigeria

Beyond Linear Boundaries: Non-Linear Thinking for Global Progress - The focus was on exploring the vast potential of non-linear thinking as a catalyst for innovative ideas that profoundly impact societal, environmental, and economic development. We delved into fresh perspectives and transformative concepts, breaking away from traditional thought patterns. The talk highlighted how embracing non-linear thinking can lead to novel solutions and strategies, crucial for making significant advancements in various global contexts. This session proved to be an enlightening exploration, inspiring leaders to adopt creative and holistic approaches in navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.

Envision Tomorrow by Transforming Today


Designing Organizational Futures


Developing Strategic Partnerships